First, place a unit on the map, then select the "Replace Unit" command under "Objects." In the drop down menu, select Fluffy, Flying Purple Tapir, Learicorn, George Crushington, Lazerbear, or Monster Truck A and then click replace unit. Despite this, they can still be accessed in the editor through a simple process. There are several secret units that don't, at the moment of this writing, have a code to access them during games.
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Go into a skirmish game, go to manage your city and you will now have 999 unlock points to unlock various things for your city. Download Age of Empires III for Mac This software's download files include parts. Change the xx to a high number such as 999, save the file and start Age of Empires 3. Continuing where Age of Empires II: Age of Kings left off. The line should look like this xx, where x is the number of skillpoints you currently have. Age of Empires III is the newest installment of the real-time strategy series Age of Empires.

Open the sp_yourcityname_homecity.xml file located in \My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Savegame (dont forget to make a backup of this file) find this line. Unlimited Unlock Points in Single player.You will see something like this xx, put in 99 for the xx, save the file, go into the game and play a skirmish. Open the sp_yourcityname_homecity.xml file in the My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Savegame (dont forget to make a back up first) folder, search for. great game its a classic as an old player of the license it was a real pleasure to see the game on an other eye.